Yesterday the first part of my Roadster arrived. I ordered the Moser 8.8" rear end because I'm going with the 3-link rear suspension. This ships from Moser Engineering in Indiana, so it arrived ahead of the kit. I was eagerly awaiting my first box, which was to arrive by freight between 3 PM and 6 PM. The sounds of school buses and garbage trucks were driving me crazy as I waited! Finally the doorbell rang and the freingh truck was out front with my crate on a pallet jack.
The coffin it arrives in:
We took the lid off the box so that we could check out the rear end. Since we are still working on the garage, it will stay on furniture dollies for a few weeks while we get everything setup. With the crate this weighed in at 273 pounds!
Cool FFR logo:
Without my kit there's not much to do with the rear end except look at it in the box. In the meantime, work continues on the garage. Today we painted the floor of Bay #3 with epoxy coating. Curing should be complete by tomorrow, when Zac plans to do the drywall work. All of the metal working and wood working tools and benches will be on this side, so once those move over sometime next week we'll have more room to work on Bay #2, where the Roadster will be built.
This is going to be so cool to read!